bright data api

How to Use Bright Data API? Learn Manuals Before You Buy

Want to scraping data by Bright Data API? We make a some examples of code for popular programming languages, with it you can easily to know how ot use Bright Data proxy API.

Bright Data homepage

Luminati proxy API

For Browser or Software,

Use the following settings in your Bot, Crawler or other software,

  1. Proxy:
  2. Port: 22225
  3. User: lum-customer-Your_username- Your_zonesetting
  4. Password: 0Yourpasswords0


curl --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-Your_username- Your_zonesetting:0Yourpasswords0 ""


#!/usr/bin/env node
url: '',
proxy: 'http://lum-customer-Your_username- Your_zonesetting:[email protected]:22225',
.then(function(data){ console.log(data); },
function(err){ console.error(err); });


package example;

import org.apache.http.HttpHost;
import org.apache.http.client.fluent.*;

public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
System.out.println("To enable your free eval account and get "
+"CUSTOMER, YOURZONE and YOURPASS, please contact "
+"[email protected]");
HttpHost proxy = new HttpHost("", 22225);
String res = Executor.newInstance()
.auth(proxy, "lum-customer-Your_username- Your_zonesetting", "0Yourpasswords0")


using System;
using System.Net;

class Example
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("To enable your free eval account and get CUSTOMER, "
+"YOURZONE and YOURPASS, please contact [email protected]");
var client = new WebClient();
client.Proxy = new WebProxy("");
client.Proxy.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("lum-customer-Your_username- Your_zonesetting", "0Yourpasswords0");


Imports System.Net

Module Module1
Sub Main()
Console.WriteLine("To enable your free eval account and get " & 
"CUSTOMER, YOURZONE and YOURPASS, please contact " &
"[email protected]")
Dim Client As New WebClient
Client.Proxy = New WebProxy("")
Client.Proxy.Credentials = New NetworkCredential("lum-customer-Your_username- Your_zonesetting", "0Yourpasswords0")
End Sub
End Module


echo 'To enable your free eval account and get CUSTOMER, YOURZONE and '
.'YOURPASS, please contact [email protected]';
$curl = curl_init('');
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_PROXY, '');
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, 'lum-customer-Your_username- Your_zonesetting:0Yourpasswords0');


#!/usr/bin/env python
print('If you get error "ImportError: No module named \'six\'" install six:\n'+\
'$ sudo pip install six');
print('To enable your free eval account and get CUSTOMER, YOURZONE and ' + \
'YOURPASS, please contact [email protected]')
import sys
if sys.version_info[0]==2:
import six
from six.moves.urllib import request
opener = request.build_opener(
{'http': 'http://lum-customer-Your_username- Your_zonesetting:[email protected]:22225',
'https': 'http://lum-customer-Your_username- Your_zonesetting:[email protected]:22225'}))
if sys.version_info[0]==3:
import urllib.request
opener = urllib.request.build_opener(
{'http': 'http://lum-customer-Your_username- Your_zonesetting:[email protected]:22225',
'https': 'http://lum-customer-Your_username- Your_zonesetting:[email protected]:22225'}))



require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'net/https'

puts 'To enable your free eval account and get CUSTOMER, YOURZONE and YOURPASS, please contact [email protected]'

uri = URI.parse('')
proxy = Net::HTTP::Proxy('', 22225, 'lum-customer-Your_username- Your_zonesetting', '0Yourpasswords0')

req =

result = proxy.start(,uri.port, :use_ssl => uri.scheme == 'https') do |http|

puts result.body


print 'To enable your free eval account and get CUSTOMER, YOURZONE and '
.'YOURPASS, please contact [email protected]';
use LWP::UserAgent;
my $agent = LWP::UserAgent->new();
$agent->proxy(['http', 'https'], "http://lum-customer-Your_username- Your_zonesetting:0Yourpasswords0\");
print $agent->get('')->content();

Search Engine Crawler API

Google Search Crawler API



gl     Two-letter country code used to define the country of search
curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD ""
hl     Two-letter language code used to define the page language
curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD ""

Type of search

tbm     Define search type. For regular search there is no need to use the tbm parameter while other types have
            a unique tbm value.
            tbm=isch – images
            tbm=shop – shopping
[%nws] – news
curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD ""
ibp     Use the ibp parameter for Jobs search type.
           ibp=htl;jobs – Jobs
curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD ""


start     Define the result offset – results to start from the selected value. Used for managing pagination.
             start=0 (default) – first page of results
             start=10 – second page of results
             start=20 – third page of results, etc.
curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD ""
num     Defines the number of results to return.
             num=10 (default) returns 10 results
             num=30 returns 30 results, etc.
curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD ""

Geographic Location

uule     Stands for the encoded location you want to use for your search and will be used to change geo-location. A CSV with all available uule values can be downloaded here
curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD ""

Device and output format

lum_mobile     Define what device type to be represented in user-agent

                           Default or lum_mobile=0 will provide random desktop user-agent while lum_mobile=1 will provide random mobile user-agent

curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PA
lum_json     Bright Data parameter allowing to return parsed JSON instead of raw HTML
                      lum_json=1 – return results in JSON
                      lum_json=html – return JSON with “html” field containing raw HTML
                      lum_json=hotel – make additional request to retrieve hotel prices
                      lum_json=hotel,html – two values can be combined while separated by comma
curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD ""

Search by image

download     Download image on the proxy side and post it to google using POST request
default – download-and-post if google isn't able to download the image
                       download=1 – force download-and-post image
                       download=0 – regular GET request with image URL
curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD ""

Multiple requests

multi     Make parallel requests through our API server using POST request.
               Parallel requests will be using the same peer and session and can be used for comparison tests, I.e. making an identical pair of requests with 2 different values for a selected parameter
               multi=[{“keyword”:”pizza”,”num”:20},{“keyword”:”pizza”,”num”:100}] – the same keyword with different num param
               multi=[{“keyword”:”pizza”},{“keyword”:”burger”}] – different keywords
curl -v --compressed "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN" -d "{\"country\":\"us\",\"multi\":[{\"keyword\":\"pizza\",\"num\":20},{\"keyword\":\"pizza\",\"num\":100}]}"

Asynchronous requests

Send requests without waiting for the response. Collect results via a designated endpoint or a webhook.

To initiate a request, perform:

RESPONSE_ID=`curl -i --silent --compressed "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" -d "{\"query\":{\"q\":\"pizza\"},\"country\":\"us\"}" | sed -En 's/^x-response-id: (.*)//p' | tr -d '\r'`

`x-response-id` header will contain the id of the request so you can use it in the next request to fetch the result

curl -v --compressed "${RESPONSE_ID}" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>"

You can adjust your zone async settings on zones page.
Optional settings:
Result lifetime (days) – number of days to keep results
Web Hook URL – address to deliver results
Web Hook Request Method – HTTP method to use to deliver response, GET or POST are optional

Parsing schema

The parsing scheme can be obtained by the following endpoint: GET /api/serp/google/parsing_schema

To get schema, perform:

curl --compressed "" -H "Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN"



gl     Two-letter country code used to define the country of search
curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD ""
hl Two-letter language code used to define the page language
curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD ""


start     Define the result offset – results to start from the selected value. Used for managing pagination.
             start=0 (default) – first page of results
             start=20 – second page of results
             start=40 – third page of results, etc.
curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD ""
num     Defines the number of results to return.
             num=40 (default) returns 40 results
             num=50 returns 50 results, etc.
curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD ""

Output format

lum_json     Bright Data parameter allowing to return parsed JSON instead of raw HTML
                       lum_json=1 – return results in JSON
curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD ""



geo Location of interest, two-letter country code

curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD ""


hl     Preferred language, two-letter language code
curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD ""

Time range

date     Time range to search. Available values are:
             default: Past 12 month
             now 1-H – Past hour
             now 4-H – Past 4 hours
             now 1-d – Past day
             now 7-d – Past 7 days
             today 1-m – Past 30 days
             today 3-m – Past 90 days
             today 12-m – Past 12 months
             today 5-y – Past 5 years
             2020-07-01 2020-12-31 – custom date range

curl -v --compressed --proxy zproxy.lum-

cat     Category to search within. By default search within all categories.

           You can find list of all categories here.

curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD "http:/

Type of search
gprop      Google property to filter on. Defaults to web search.

                 Possible values are: imagesnewsgroogleyoutube

curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD "htt

Asynchronous requests
Send requests without waiting for the response. Collect results via a designated endpoint or a webhook.

To initiate a request, perform:

RESPONSE_ID=`curl -i --silent --compressed "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" -d "{\"query\":{\"q\":\"pizza\"},\"country\":\"us\"}" | sed -En 's/^x-response-id: (.*)//p' | tr -d '\r'`

`x-response-id` header will contain the id of the request so you can use it in the next request to fetch the result

curl -v --compressed "${RESPONSE_ID}" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>"

You can adjust your zone async settings on zones page.
Optional settings:
Result lifetime (days) – number of days to keep results
Web Hook URL – address to deliver results
Web Hook Request Method – HTTP method to use to deliver response, GET or POST are optional


Feature id
fid    Feature id what you want to fetch reviews to.
fid parameter can be found in knowledge.fid field of google search response.
For example:
curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD ""


hl      Preferred language, two-letter language code
curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD ""

Sorting and filtering

sort      The way reviews are sorted. Possible values are:
             sort=qualityScore (default) – most relevant first
             sort=newestFirst – newest first
             sort=ratingHigh – highest rating first
             sort=ratingLow – lowest rating first

curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD ""
filter     Filter keyword. Will respond with reviews that contain specified keyword only. Example:

              filter=awesome – search for reviews containing ‘awesome' word

curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD ""


start     Define the result offset – results to start from the selected value. Used for managing pagination.
             start=0 (default) – first page of results
             start=10 – second page of results
             start=20 – third page of results, etc.

curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD ""

Asynchronous requests

Send requests without waiting for the response. Collect results via a designated endpoint or a webhook.

To initiate a request, perform:

RESPONSE_ID=`curl -i --silent --compressed "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" -d "{\"query\":{\"fid\":\"0x808fba02425dad8f:0x6c296c66619367e0\"},\"country\":\"us\"}" | sed -En 's/^x-response-id: (.*)//p' | tr -d '\r'`

`x-response-id` header will contain the id of the request so you can use it in the next request to fetch the result

curl -v --compressed "${RESPONSE_ID}" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>"

You can adjust your zone async settings on zones page.
Optional settings:
Result lifetime (days) – number of days to keep results
Web Hook URL – address to deliver results
Web Hook Request Method – HTTP method to use to deliver response, GET or POST are optional

Bing Search Crawler API

cc     Two-letter country code used to define the country of search
curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD ""

Geographic Location

location     A location for the search origin.

                    lat and lon parameters must be specified as well

curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD ""
lat     A GPS latitude for the search origin
curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD ""
lon     A GPS longitude for the search origin
curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD ""
mkt     The market where the search results come from. Use this link to view all optional values.
curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD ""


first     Define the result offset – results to start from the selected value. Used for managing pagination.
             first=1 (default) – first page of results
             first=11 – second page of results
             first=21 – third page of results, etc.

curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD ""
count     Defines the number of results to return.
                count=10 (default) returns 10 results
                count=30 returns 30 results, etc.

curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD ""

Device and output format

lum_mobile     Define what device type to be represented in user-agent

                           Default or lum_mobile=0 will provide random desktop user-agent while lum_mobile=1 will provide random mobile user-agent

curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD ""
lum_json     Bright Data parameter allowing to return parsed JSON instead of raw HTML
                       lum_json=1 – return results in JSON
                       lum_json=html – return JSON with “html” field containing raw HTML
                       lum_json=hotel – make additional request to retrieve hotel prices
                       lum_json=hotel,html – two values can be combined while separated by comma

curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD ""

Asynchronous requests

Send requests without waiting for the response. Collect results via a designated endpoint or a webhook.

To initiate a request, perform:

RESPONSE_ID=`curl -i --silent --compressed "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" -d "{\"query\":{\"q\":\"pizza\"},\"country\":\"us\"}" | sed -En 's/^x-response-id: (.*)//p' | tr -d '\r'`
`x-response-id` header will contain the id of the request so you can use it in the next request to fetch the result
curl -v --compressed "${RESPONSE_ID}" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>"
You can adjust your zone async settings on zones page.

Optional settings:
Result lifetime (days) – number of days to keep results
Web Hook URL – address to deliver results
Web Hook Request Method – HTTP method to use to deliver response, GET or POST are optional

Parsing schema

The parsing scheme can be obtained by the following endpoint: GET /api/serp/bing/parsing_schema

To get schema, perform:

curl --compressed "" -H "Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN"

Yandex Search Crawler API

lr     Region or country to search. Examples:
        1 – Moscow
        2 – Saint-Petersburg
        84 – USA
        95 – Canada
       134 – China

curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD ""
lang     Two-letter language code used to define the page language
curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD ""


p     Define the result page – results to start from the selected value. Used for managing pagination.
       p=1 (default) – first page of results
       p=2 – second page of results
       p=4 – fourth page of results, etc.

curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD ""
numdoc      Defines the number of results to return.

                     Takes the values 102030, and 10. When using numbers other than these values which less than 50, rounding up to the nearest of them occurs. When using numbers over 50,                                 rounding up to 50 occurs.

curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD ""

Time range

within     Time range to search. Available values are:
                 1 – Past 2 weeks
                 2 – Past month
                 3 – Past 3 months
                 4 – Past 6 months
                 5 – Past year
                 6 – Past 2 years
                 7 – Past day
                 77 – Past 24 hours
                 8 – Past 3 days
                 9 – Past week

curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD ""
from_date_full     Define the result start date. Used for managing time range (format DD.MM.YYYY).
                                 from_date_full=12.12.2020 – date to start from

curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD ""
to_date_full      Define the result end date. Used for managing time range (format DD.MM.YYYY).
                             to_date_full=01.01.2021 – date to end search

curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD ""
lum_mobile      Define what device type to be represented in user-agent

                            Default or lum_mobile=0 will provide random desktop user-agent while lum_mobile=1 will provide random mobile user-agent

curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD ""

Asynchronous requests

Send requests without waiting for the response. Collect results via a designated endpoint or a webhook.

To initiate a request, perform:

RESPONSE_ID=`curl -i --silent --compressed "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" -d "{\"query\":{\"text\":\"pizza\"},\"country\":\"us\"}" | sed -En 's/^x-response-id: (.*)//p' | tr -d '\r'`

`x-response-id` header will contain the id of the request so you can use it in the next request to fetch the result

curl -v --compressed "${RESPONSE_ID}" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>"

You can adjust your zone async settings on zones page.
Optional settings:
Result lifetime (days) – number of days to keep results
Web Hook URL – address to deliver results
Web Hook Request Method – HTTP method to use to deliver response, GET or POST are optional

DuckDuckGo Search Crawler API

kl     Country and language code used to define the country and language of search
curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD ""

Safe search

kp     Removes adult content from search results.
         Available values are:
         1 – Turn on safe search
         3 – Moderate search content
         3 – Turn off safe search

curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD ""

Time range

df     Time range to search. Available values are:
         d – Past 2 weeks
         w – Past month
         m – Past 3 months
         w – Past 6 months

curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD ""

Device and output format

lum_mobile     Define what device type to be represented in user-agent

                           Default or lum_mobile=0 will provide random desktop user-agent while lum_mobile=1 will provide random mobile user-agent

curl -v --compressed --proxy --proxy-user lum-customer-username-zone-ZONE:PASSWORD ""

Asynchronous requests

Send requests without waiting for the response. Collect results via a designated endpoint or a webhook.

To initiate a request, perform:

RESPONSE_ID=`curl -i --silent --compressed "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" -d "{\"query\":{\"q\":\"pizza\"},\"country\":\"us\"}" | sed -En 's/^x-response-id: (.*)//p' | tr -d '\r'`

`x-response-id` header will contain the id of the request so you can use it in the next request to fetch the result

curl -v --compressed "${RESPONSE_ID}" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>"

You can adjust your zone async settings on zones page.
Optional settings:
Result lifetime (days) – number of days to keep results
Web Hook URL – address to deliver results
Web Hook Request Method – HTTP method to use to deliver response, GET or POST are optional


Disclaimer: This part of the content is mainly from the merchant. If the merchant does not want it to be displayed on my website, please contact us to delete your content.

Last Updated on October 10, 2024

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