Do you know how to use API? This is the most comprehensive introduction from official.
Basic Information
Package needs to be active for API to work.
Your API key: 08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d
API base URL:
Authorization is standard basic auth with api as username and api key as password, or you can use a key query parameter.
curl -u api:08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d curl
Inactive subscriptions can't be used in API requests.
All further examples use basic authorization.
Common Code for All Further Examples
# filename import json import requests import pprint class ProxyAPIException(Exception): pass class RequestError(ProxyAPIException): pass class ResponseError(ProxyAPIException): pass class ResponseParseError(ProxyAPIException): pass class ProxyAPI: def __init__(self, base, api_key): if base.endswith('/'): self.base = base else: self.base = base + '/' self.api_key = api_key def __is_json_response(self, response): if 'Content-Type' not in response.headers: return False for part in response.headers['Content-Type'].split(';'): if part == "application/json": return True return False def __process_response(self, response): if response.status_code == 200: error = None if self.__is_json_response(response): try: obj = json.loads(response.text) except Exception as e: error = e if error: raise ResponseParseError("Error parsing JSON response from the server: %s" % str(error)) return obj else: return response.text else: if self.__is_json_response(response): failed = False try: error_json = json.loads(response.text) except Exception as e: failed = True if failed: raise ResponseError("Received non-200 code from the server, but failed to parse json response: %s" % response.text) else: raise ResponseError("Received error from server: %s" % error_json['error']) else: raise ResponseError("Received non-200 code from the server") def get(self, endpoint, query_params = {}): if endpoint[0] == '/': endpoint = endpoint[1:] fin_url = self.base + endpoint error = None try: response = requests.get(fin_url, auth=('api', self.api_key), params = query_params) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: error = e if error: raise RequestError("An error occurred while making a request: %s" % str(error)) return self.__process_response(response) def put(self, endpoint, body = {}): if endpoint[0] == '/': endpoint = endpoint[1:] fin_url = self.base + endpoint error = None try: response = requests.put( fin_url, auth=('api', self.api_key), data = json.dumps(body), headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} ) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: error = e if error: raise RequestError("An error occurred while making a request: %s" % str(error)) return self.__process_response(response)
<?php // filename proxy_api.php class ProxyAPIException extends Exception {} class RequestError extends ProxyAPIException {} class ResponseError extends ProxyAPIException {} class ResponseParseError extends ProxyAPIException {} class ProxyAPI { private $api_base, $api_key; public function __construct($api_base, $api_key) { $this->api_base = preg_replace("/\/+$/", "", $api_base); $this->api_key = $api_key; } public function get($endpoint, $query_params = null) { $endpoint = "/".preg_replace("/^\/+/", "", $endpoint); $url = $this->api_base.$endpoint; $query_string = ""; if ($query_params !== null) { $q = null; if (is_string($query_params)) { $q = explode($url, '&'); } elseif (is_array($query_params)) { $q = $query_params; } $tmp = []; foreach ($q as $key => $value) { $tmp[] = urlencode($key) . "=" . urlencode($value); } $query_string = implode("&", $tmp); } if ($query_string !== "") { $url .= "?".$query_string; } $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_BASIC); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERNAME, "api"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PASSWORD, $this->api_key); $response = curl_exec($ch); return $this->process_response($ch, $response); } public function put($endpoint, $body = null) { $endpoint = "/" . preg_replace("/^\/+/", "", $endpoint); $url = $this->api_base . $endpoint; $data_json = json_encode($body); if (json_last_error()) { throw new RequestError("Error encoding body as json: ".json_last_error_msg()); } $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERNAME, "api"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PASSWORD, $this->api_key); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "PUT"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ["Content-Type:application/json", "Content-Length:".strlen($data_json)]); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data_json); $response = curl_exec($ch); return $this->process_response($ch, $response); } private function process_response($ch, $response) { if (curl_error($ch)) { throw new RequestError("Received error during request: ".curl_error($ch)); } $response_code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE); $content_type = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE); $is_json = strstr($content_type, 'application/json') !== false; curl_close($ch); if ($response_code == '200') { if ($is_json) { $res = json_decode($response, true, 512); $le = json_last_error(); if ($le != JSON_ERROR_NONE) { throw new ResponseParseError("Error parsing response from server as JSON: ".json_last_error_msg()); } return $res; } else { return $response; } } else { if ($is_json) { $res = json_decode($response, true, 512); $le = json_last_error(); if ($le != JSON_ERROR_NONE) { throw new ResponseError("Received ".$response_code." code from server, but failed to parse JSON response: ".json_last_error_msg()); } throw new ResponseError("Received ".$response_code." code from server: ".$res['error']); } else { throw new ResponseError("Received ".$response_code." code from server: ".$response); } } } }
// filename proxy_api.js const https = require('https') const http = require('http') const querystring = require('querystring'); function process_response(response, body, resolve, reject) { const ct = response.headers['content-type'] || ''; let isJson = false; if (ct.includes("application/json")) { isJson = true; } if (response.statusCode == 200) { if (isJson) { let json; try { json = JSON.parse(body); } catch(e) { reject(e); return; } resolve(json); } else { resolve(body); } } else { const err = "Received status " + response.statusCode + " from server"; if (isJson) { let json; try { json = JSON.parse(body); } catch(e) { reject(new Error(err + ", but failed to parse JSON: " + body)); return; } reject(new Error(err + ": " + json['error'])); } else { reject(new Error(err + ": " + body)); } } } async function get(url, api_key, query_params = {}) { const qs = querystring.stringify(query_params); let final_url = url; if (qs != '') { final_url += '?' + qs; } const options = { method: 'GET', auth: "api:" + api_key } const result = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let t; if (final_url.startsWith("http://")) { t = http; } else if (final_url.startsWith("https://")) { t = https; } const req = t.request(final_url, options, (res) => { res.setEncoding('utf8'); const chunks = []; res.on('data', (chunk) => { chunks.push(chunk); }); res.on('end', () => { const body = chunks.join(''); process_response(res, body, resolve, reject); }); }); req.on('error', (e) => { reject(e); }); req.end(); }).catch((e) => (e)); return result; } async function put(url, api_key, request_body = {}) { const request_body_str = JSON.stringify(request_body); const options = { method: 'PUT', auth: "api:" + api_key, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Content-Length': request_body_str.length } } const result = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let t; if (url.startsWith("http://")) { t = http; } else if (url.startsWith("https://")) { t = https; } const req = t.request(url, options, (res) => { res.setEncoding('utf8'); const ct = res.headers['content-type'] || ''; let isJson = false; if (ct.includes("application/json")) { isJson = true; } const chunks = [] res.on('data', (chunk) => { chunks.push(chunk); }); res.on('end', () => { const body = chunks.join(''); process_response(res, body, resolve, reject); }); }); req.on('error', (e) => { reject(e); }); req.write(request_body_str); req.end(); }).catch((e) => (e)); return result; } module.exports = { get: get, put: put }
# filename proxy_api.rb require 'net/http' require 'uri' require 'json' class ProxyAPIException < StandardError end class RequestError < ProxyAPIException end class ResponseError < ProxyAPIException attr_accessor :code end class ResponseParseError < ProxyAPIException end class ProxyAPI def initialize(base_url, api_key) @base_url = base_url.gsub(/\/+$/, '') @api_key = api_key end def get(endpoint, query_params = {}) endpoint = endpoint.gsub(/^\/+/, '/') if endpoint[0] != '/' endpoint = '/' + endpoint end final_url = @base_url + endpoint uri = URI.parse(final_url) if !query_params.empty? uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(query_params) end request = req_options = { use_ssl: uri.scheme == "https", } request.basic_auth('api', @api_key) response = nil err = nil begin response = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port, req_options) do |http| response = http.request(request) end rescue => e err = end raise err if err return process_response(response) end def put(endpoint, body = {}) endpoint = endpoint.gsub(/^\/+/, '/') if endpoint[0] != '/' endpoint = '/' + endpoint end final_url = @base_url + endpoint uri = URI.parse(final_url) request = req_options = { use_ssl: uri.scheme == "https", } request.basic_auth('api', @api_key) request['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' request.body = body.to_json response = nil err = nil begin response = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port, req_options) do |http| response = http.request(request) end rescue => e err = end raise err if err return process_response(response) end private def process_response(response) if response.code == '200' err = nil res = begin if is_json_response?(response) JSON.parse(response.body) else response.body end rescue => e err = end raise err if err return res else if is_json_response?(response) b = JSON.parse(response.body) rescue nil if b ex ="Received code #{response.code} from server: #{b['error']}") ex.code = response.code.to_i raise ex else ex ="Received code #{response.code} from server, but failed to parse JSON: #{response.body}") ex.code = response.code.to_i raise ex end else ex ="Received code #{response.code} from server: #{response.body}") ex.code = response.code.to_i raise ex end end end def is_json_response?(response) response['Content-Type'].to_s.split(';').each do |part| return true if part == 'application/json' end return false end end
# filename proxy_api.rb require 'net/http' require 'uri' require 'json' class ProxyAPIException < StandardError end class RequestError < ProxyAPIException end class ResponseError < ProxyAPIException attr_accessor :code end class ResponseParseError < ProxyAPIException end class ProxyAPI def initialize(base_url, api_key) @base_url = base_url.gsub(/\/+$/, '') @api_key = api_key end def get(endpoint, query_params = {}) endpoint = endpoint.gsub(/^\/+/, '/') if endpoint[0] != '/' endpoint = '/' + endpoint end final_url = @base_url + endpoint uri = URI.parse(final_url) if !query_params.empty? uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(query_params) end request = req_options = { use_ssl: uri.scheme == "https", } request.basic_auth('api', @api_key) response = nil err = nil begin response = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port, req_options) do |http| response = http.request(request) end rescue => e err = end raise err if err return process_response(response) end def put(endpoint, body = {}) endpoint = endpoint.gsub(/^\/+/, '/') if endpoint[0] != '/' endpoint = '/' + endpoint end final_url = @base_url + endpoint uri = URI.parse(final_url) request = req_options = { use_ssl: uri.scheme == "https", } request.basic_auth('api', @api_key) request['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' request.body = body.to_json response = nil err = nil begin response = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port, req_options) do |http| response = http.request(request) end rescue => e err = end raise err if err return process_response(response) end private def process_response(response) if response.code == '200' err = nil res = begin if is_json_response?(response) JSON.parse(response.body) else response.body end rescue => e err = end raise err if err return res else if is_json_response?(response) b = JSON.parse(response.body) rescue nil if b ex ="Received code #{response.code} from server: #{b['error']}") ex.code = response.code.to_i raise ex else ex ="Received code #{response.code} from server, but failed to parse JSON: #{response.body}") ex.code = response.code.to_i raise ex end else ex ="Received code #{response.code} from server: #{response.body}") ex.code = response.code.to_i raise ex end end end def is_json_response?(response) response['Content-Type'].to_s.split(';').each do |part| return true if part == 'application/json' end return false end end
Get Subscriptions List
Endpoint | /package_subscriptions |
Method | GET |
Parameters | None |
Query parameters | None |
JSON parameters | None |
curl -u api:08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d
Example response:
[ { "id":8644, "type":"backconnect", "package":"Backconnect Beginner (200K Requests)", "active":false }, { "id":8643, "type":"proxy", "package":"3 Private Proxies", "active":true } ]
from proxy_api import * api = ProxyAPI("","08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d") try: result = api.get("/package_subscriptions") pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2).pprint(result) except ProxyAPIException as e: print(str(e))
Example response:
[ { "id":8644, "type":"backconnect", "package":"Backconnect Beginner (200K Requests)", "active":false }, { "id":8643, "type":"proxy", "package":"3 Private Proxies", "active":true } ]
<?php require "proxy_api.php"; $api = new ProxyAPI('', '08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d'); try { var_dump($api->get("/package_subscriptions")); } catch(ProxyAPIException $e) { echo $e; }
Example response:
[ { "id":8644, "type":"backconnect", "package":"Backconnect Beginner (200K Requests)", "active":false }, { "id":8643, "type":"proxy", "package":"3 Private Proxies", "active":true } ]
const proxy_api = require('./proxy_api'); async function main() { const res = await proxy_api.get('', '08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d'); if (res instanceof Error) { console.log("Error:" + res.toString()); } else { console.log(res); } } main();
Example response:
[ { "id":8644, "type":"backconnect", "package":"Backconnect Beginner (200K Requests)", "active":false }, { "id":8643, "type":"proxy", "package":"3 Private Proxies", "active":true } ]
require_relative './proxy_api' begin api ="", "08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d") puts(api.get("/package_subscriptions").inspect) rescue ProxyAPIException => e puts e.message end
Example response:
[ { "id":8644, "type":"backconnect", "package":"Backconnect Beginner (200K Requests)", "active":false }, { "id":8643, "type":"proxy", "package":"3 Private Proxies", "active":true } ]
package main import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "net/http" ) type subscriptionEl struct { ID int `json:"id"` Type string `json:"type"` Package string `json:"package"` Active bool `json:"active"` } type subscriptionsList []*subscriptionEl func main() { api := NewProxyAPI("", "08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d", &http.Client{}) resp, isJSON, err := api.Get("/package_subscriptions", nil) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } else { if isJSON { var subscriptions subscriptionsList json.Unmarshal([]byte(resp), &subscriptions) for _, v := range subscriptions { fmt.Println(v) } } else { fmt.Println(resp) } } }
Example response:
[ { "id":8644, "type":"backconnect", "package":"Backconnect Beginner (200K Requests)", "active":false }, { "id":8643, "type":"proxy", "package":"3 Private Proxies", "active":true } ]
Get Subscription
Endpoint | /package_subscriptions/:id |
Method | GET |
Parameters | id – id of subscription |
Query parameters | None |
JSON parameters | None |
curl -u api:08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d
Example response:
Proxy subscription | Backconnect subscription |
{ "id":8643, "type":"proxy", "purpose":"Google", "country":"Any", "ip_type":"proxy", "package":"3 Private Proxies", "price_cents":900, "billing_cycle_start":1599563902, "billing_cycle_end":1602155902, "last_invoice_amount_cents":900, "payment_method":"card", "ip_count":3 } |
{ "id":8644, "type":"backconnect", "purpose":"Google", "country":"Any", "ip_type":"proxy", "package":"Backconnect Beginner (200K Requests)", "price_cents":5900, "billing_cycle_start":1599563939, "billing_cycle_end":1602155939, "last_invoice_amount_cents":5900, "payment_method":"card", "requests_limit":200000, "port_count":5, "connection_limit":1000, "billing_cycle_requests":15749 } |
from proxy_api import * api = ProxyAPI("","08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d") try: result = api.get("/package_subscriptions/1") pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2).pprint(result) except ProxyAPIException as e: print(str(e))
Example response:
Proxy subscription | Backconnect subscription |
{ "id":8643, "type":"proxy", "purpose":"Google", "country":"Any", "ip_type":"proxy", "package":"3 Private Proxies", "price_cents":900, "billing_cycle_start":1599563902, "billing_cycle_end":1602155902, "last_invoice_amount_cents":900, "payment_method":"card", "ip_count":3 } |
{ "id":8644, "type":"backconnect", "purpose":"Google", "country":"Any", "ip_type":"proxy", "package":"Backconnect Beginner (200K Requests)", "price_cents":5900, "billing_cycle_start":1599563939, "billing_cycle_end":1602155939, "last_invoice_amount_cents":5900, "payment_method":"card", "requests_limit":200000, "port_count":5, "connection_limit":1000, "billing_cycle_requests":15749 } |
<?php require "proxy_api.php"; $api = new ProxyAPI('', '08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d'); try { var_dump($api->get("/package_subscriptions/1")); } catch(ProxyAPIException $e) { echo $e; }
Example response:
Proxy subscription | Backconnect subscription |
{ "id":8643, "type":"proxy", "purpose":"Google", "country":"Any", "ip_type":"proxy", "package":"3 Private Proxies", "price_cents":900, "billing_cycle_start":1599563902, "billing_cycle_end":1602155902, "last_invoice_amount_cents":900, "payment_method":"card", "ip_count":3 } |
{ "id":8644, "type":"backconnect", "purpose":"Google", "country":"Any", "ip_type":"proxy", "package":"Backconnect Beginner (200K Requests)", "price_cents":5900, "billing_cycle_start":1599563939, "billing_cycle_end":1602155939, "last_invoice_amount_cents":5900, "payment_method":"card", "requests_limit":200000, "port_count":5, "connection_limit":1000, "billing_cycle_requests":15749 } |
const proxy_api = require('./proxy_api'); async function main() { const res = await proxy_api.get('', '08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d'); if (res instanceof Error) { console.log("Error:" + res.toString()); } else { console.log(res); } } main();
Example response:
Proxy subscription | Backconnect subscription |
{ "id":8643, "type":"proxy", "purpose":"Google", "country":"Any", "ip_type":"proxy", "package":"3 Private Proxies", "price_cents":900, "billing_cycle_start":1599563902, "billing_cycle_end":1602155902, "last_invoice_amount_cents":900, "payment_method":"card", "ip_count":3 } |
{ "id":8644, "type":"backconnect", "purpose":"Google", "country":"Any", "ip_type":"proxy", "package":"Backconnect Beginner (200K Requests)", "price_cents":5900, "billing_cycle_start":1599563939, "billing_cycle_end":1602155939, "last_invoice_amount_cents":5900, "payment_method":"card", "requests_limit":200000, "port_count":5, "connection_limit":1000, "billing_cycle_requests":15749 } |
require_relative './proxy_api' begin api ="", "08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d") puts(api.get("/package_subscriptions/1").inspect) rescue ProxyAPIException => e puts e.message end
Example response:
Proxy subscription | Backconnect subscription |
{ "id":8643, "type":"proxy", "purpose":"Google", "country":"Any", "ip_type":"proxy", "package":"3 Private Proxies", "price_cents":900, "billing_cycle_start":1599563902, "billing_cycle_end":1602155902, "last_invoice_amount_cents":900, "payment_method":"card", "ip_count":3 } |
{ "id":8644, "type":"backconnect", "purpose":"Google", "country":"Any", "ip_type":"proxy", "package":"Backconnect Beginner (200K Requests)", "price_cents":5900, "billing_cycle_start":1599563939, "billing_cycle_end":1602155939, "last_invoice_amount_cents":5900, "payment_method":"card", "requests_limit":200000, "port_count":5, "connection_limit":1000, "billing_cycle_requests":15749 } |
package main import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "net/http" ) type subscription struct { ID int `json:"id"` Type string `json:"type"` Purpose string `json:"purpose"` Country string `json:"country"` IPType string `json:"ip_type"` Package string `json:"package"` PriceCents int `json:"price_cents"` BillingCycleStart uint64 `json:"billing_cycle_start"` BillingCycleEnd uint64 `json:"billing_cycle_end"` LastInvoiceAmountCents int `json:"last_invoice_amount_cents"` PaymentMethod string `json:"payment_method"` // only proxy IPCount int `json:"ip_count"` // only backconnect RequestsLimit int `json:"requests_limit"` PortCount int `json:"port_count"` ConnectionLimit int `json:"connection_limit"` BillingCycleRequests int `json:"billing_cycle_requests"` } func main() { api := NewProxyAPI("", "08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d", &http.Client{}) resp, isJSON, err := api.Get("/package_subscriptions/1", nil) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } else { if isJSON { var sub subscription json.Unmarshal([]byte(resp), &sub) fmt.Println(sub) } else { fmt.Println(resp) } } }
Example response:
Proxy subscription | Backconnect subscription |
{ "id":8643, "type":"proxy", "purpose":"Google", "country":"Any", "ip_type":"proxy", "package":"3 Private Proxies", "price_cents":900, "billing_cycle_start":1599563902, "billing_cycle_end":1602155902, "last_invoice_amount_cents":900, "payment_method":"card", "ip_count":3 } |
{ "id":8644, "type":"backconnect", "purpose":"Google", "country":"Any", "ip_type":"proxy", "package":"Backconnect Beginner (200K Requests)", "price_cents":5900, "billing_cycle_start":1599563939, "billing_cycle_end":1602155939, "last_invoice_amount_cents":5900, "payment_method":"card", "requests_limit":200000, "port_count":5, "connection_limit":1000, "billing_cycle_requests":15749 } |
IP/Port List
Endpoint | /package_subscriptions/:id/ips |
Method | GET |
Parameters | id – id of subscription |
Query parameters | hide_auth – if present, hides credentials from the list hide_port – hides port(static packages only) port – shows different port, available values are 2534, 3389, 5432 and 5433, 5432 is the default(static packages only) |
JSON parameters | None |
curl -u api:08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d
Example response:
Without hide_auth | With hide_auth |
---|---| | |
from proxy_api import * api = ProxyAPI("","08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d") try: result = api.get("/package_subscriptions/1/ips") pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2).pprint(result) result = api.get("/package_subscriptions/1/ips", query_params={'hide_auth': ''}) pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2).pprint(result) except ProxyAPIException as e: print(str(e))
Example response:
Without hide_auth | With hide_auth |
---|---| | |
<?php require "proxy_api.php"; $api = new ProxyAPI('', '08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d'); try { var_dump($api->get("/package_subscriptions/1/ips")); var_dump($api->get("/package_subscriptions/1/ips", [ "hide_auth" => "" ])); } catch(ProxyAPIException $e) { echo $e; }
Example response:
Without hide_auth | With hide_auth |
---|---| | |
const proxy_api = require('./proxy_api'); async function main() { const res = await proxy_api.get('', '08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d'); if (res instanceof Error) { console.log("Error:" + res.toString()); } else { console.log(res); } const res2 = await proxy_api.get('', '08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d', { "hide_auth": "" }); if (res2 instanceof Error) { console.log("Error:" + res2.toString()); } else { console.log(res2); } } main();
Example response:
Without hide_auth | With hide_auth |
---|---| | |
require_relative './proxy_api' begin api ="", "08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d") puts(api.get("/package_subscriptions/1/ips").inspect) puts(api.get("/package_subscriptions/1/ips", hide_auth: '').inspect) rescue ProxyAPIException => e puts e.message end
Example response:
Without hide_auth | With hide_auth |
---|---| | |
package main import ( "fmt" "net/http" ) func main() { api := NewProxyAPI("", "08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d", &http.Client{}) resp, _, err := api.Get("/package_subscriptions/1/ips", nil) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } else { fmt.Println(resp) } resp, _, err = api.Get("/package_subscriptions/1/ips", map[string]string{"hide_auth": ""}) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } else { fmt.Println(resp) } }
Example response:
Without hide_auth | With hide_auth |
---|---| | |
Get Subscription Settings
Endpoint | /package_subscriptions/:id/settings |
Method | GET |
Parameters | id – id of subscription |
Query parameters | None |
JSON parameters | None |
curl -u api:08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d
Example response:
Proxy subscription | Backconnect subscription |
{ "authorized_ips":[ "" ] } |
{ "authorized_ips":[ "", "" ], "swap_interval":120 } |
from proxy_api import * api = ProxyAPI("","08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d") try: result = api.get("/package_subscriptions/1/settings") pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2).pprint(result) except ProxyAPIException as e: print(str(e))
Example response:
Proxy subscription | Backconnect subscription |
{ "authorized_ips":[ "" ] } |
{ "authorized_ips":[ "", "" ], "swap_interval":120 } |
<?php require "proxy_api.php"; $api = new ProxyAPI('', '08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d'); try { var_dump($api->get("/package_subscriptions/1/settings")); } catch(ProxyAPIException $e) { echo $e; }
Example response:
Proxy subscription | Backconnect subscription |
{ "authorized_ips":[ "" ] } |
{ "authorized_ips":[ "", "" ], "swap_interval":120 } |
const proxy_api = require('./proxy_api'); async function main() { const res = await proxy_api.get('', '08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d'); if (res instanceof Error) { console.log("Error:" + res.toString()); } else { console.log(res); } } main();
Example response:
Proxy subscription | Backconnect subscription |
{ "authorized_ips":[ "" ] } |
{ "authorized_ips":[ "", "" ], "swap_interval":120 } |
require_relative './proxy_api' begin api ="", "08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d") puts(api.get("/package_subscriptions/1/settings").inspect) rescue ProxyAPIException => e puts e.message end
Example response:
Proxy subscription | Backconnect subscription |
{ "authorized_ips":[ "" ] } |
{ "authorized_ips":[ "", "" ], "swap_interval":120 } |
package main import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "net/http" ) type packageSettings struct { AuthorizedIPs []string `json:"authorized_ips"` //backconnect only SwapInterval int `json:"swap_interval"` } func main() { api := NewProxyAPI("", "08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d", &http.Client{}) resp, _, err := api.Get("/package_subscriptions/1/settings", nil) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } else { var ps packageSettings json.Unmarshal([]byte(resp), &ps) fmt.Println(ps) } }
Example response:
Proxy subscription | Backconnect subscription |
{ "authorized_ips":[ "" ] } |
{ "authorized_ips":[ "", "" ], "swap_interval":120 } |
Set Subscription Settings
Endpoint | /package_subscriptions/:id |
Method | PUT |
Necessary HTTP Headers | Content-Type: application/json |
Parameters | id – id of subscription |
Query parameters | None |
JSON parameters | authorized_ips – list – authorized ips, that are allowed access to proxy without credentials swap_interval – integer >= 0 – how often to change ip for backconnect proxies, 0 means change on every request. Ignored for normal proxy packages. |
curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -u api:08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d --data '{"swap_interval": 180, "authorized_ips":[""]}'
On success {“success”:true} JSON is returned, on error the hash will have success false and error will contain any errors:
{ "success": false, "error": "Authorized ips contain invalid IP 441.2.3.4 on line 1, Swap interval must be greater than or equal to 0" }
from proxy_api import * api = ProxyAPI("","08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d") try: result = api.put("/package_subscriptions/1", body = {'swap_interval': 180, 'authorized_ips': ['', '']}) print(result) result = api.put("/package_subscriptions/1", body = {'swap_interval': -180, 'authorized_ips': ['441.2.3.4']}) print(result) except ProxyAPIException as e: print(str(e))
On success {“success”:true} JSON is returned, on error the hash will have success false and error will contain any errors:
{ "success": false, "error": "Authorized ips contain invalid IP 441.2.3.4 on line 1, Swap interval must be greater than or equal to 0" }
<?php require "proxy_api.php"; $api = new ProxyAPI('', '08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d'); try { var_dump($api->put("/package_subscriptions/1", [ "authorized_ips" => ["", ""], "swap_interval" => 3600 ])); var_dump($api->put("/package_subscriptions/1", [ "authorized_ips" => ["", ""], "swap_interval" => -3600 ])); } catch(ProxyAPIException $e) { echo $e; }
On success {“success”:true} JSON is returned, on error the hash will have success false and error will contain any errors:
{ "success": false, "error": "Authorized ips contain invalid IP 441.2.3.4 on line 1, Swap interval must be greater than or equal to 0" }
const proxy_api = require('./proxy_api'); async function main() { const res = await proxy_api.put( '', '08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d', { "authorized_ips": ["", ""], "swap_interval": 1200 } ); if (res instanceof Error) { console.log("Error:" + res.toString()); } else { console.log(res); } } main();
On success {“success”:true} JSON is returned, on error the hash will have success false and error will contain any errors:
{ "success": false, "error": "Authorized ips contain invalid IP 441.2.3.4 on line 1, Swap interval must be greater than or equal to 0" }
require_relative './proxy_api' begin api ="", "08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d") puts(api.put("/package_subscriptions/1", authorized_ips: [''], swap_interval: 30).inspect) puts(api.put("/package_subscriptions/1", authorized_ips: ['412.2.3.2'], swap_interval: -30).inspect) rescue ProxyAPIException => e puts e.message end
On success {“success”:true} JSON is returned, on error the hash will have success false and error will contain any errors:
{ "success": false, "error": "Authorized ips contain invalid IP 441.2.3.4 on line 1, Swap interval must be greater than or equal to 0" }
package main import ( "fmt" "net/http" "strings" ) func main() { api := NewProxyAPI("", "08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d", &http.Client{}) ips := strings.Join([]string{"", "", ""}, "\",\"") settings := fmt.Sprintf("{\"authorized_ips\": [\"%s\"], \"swap_interval\": 4242}", ips) resp, _, err := api.Put("/package_subscriptions/1", settings) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } else { fmt.Println(resp) } ips = strings.Join([]string{"", "", ""}, "\",\"") settings = fmt.Sprintf("{\"authorized_ips\": [\"%s\"], \"swap_interval\": -4242}", ips) resp, _, err = api.Put("/package_subscriptions/1", settings) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } else { fmt.Println(resp) } }
On success {“success”:true} JSON is returned, on error the hash will have success false and error will contain any errors:
{ "success": false, "error": "Authorized ips contain invalid IP 441.2.3.4 on line 1, Swap interval must be greater than or equal to 0" }
Add Authorized IP
Endpoint | /package_subscriptions/:id/add_authorized_ip |
Method | PUT |
Necessary HTTP Headers | Content-Type: application/json |
Parameters | id – id of subscription |
Query parameters | None |
JSON parameters | ip – string – ip to add |
curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -u api:08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d --data '{"ip": ""}'
from proxy_api import * api = ProxyAPI("","08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d") try: result = api.put("/package_subscriptions/1/add_authorized_ip", body = {'ip': ''}) print(result) result = api.put("/package_subscriptions/1/add_authorized_ip", body = {'ip': ''}) print(result) except ProxyAPIException as e: print(str(e))
<?php require "proxy_api.php"; $api = new ProxyAPI('', '08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d'); try { var_dump($api->put("/package_subscriptions/1/add_authorized_ip", [ "ip" => "" ])); } catch(ProxyAPIException $e) { echo $e; }
const proxy_api = require('./proxy_api'); async function main() { const res = await proxy_api.put( '', '08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d', { "ip": "" } ); if (res instanceof Error) { console.log("Error:" + res.toString()); } else { console.log(res); } } main();
require_relative './proxy_api' begin api ="", "08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d") puts(api.put("/package_subscriptions/1/add_authorized_ip", ip: '').inspect) puts(api.put("/package_subscriptions/1/add_authorized_ip", ip: '412.2.3.2').inspect) rescue ProxyAPIException => e puts e.message end
package main import ( "fmt" "net/http" ) func main() { api := NewProxyAPI("", "08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d", &http.Client{}) ip := "{\"ip\": \"\"}" resp, _, err := api.Put("/package_subscriptions/1/add_authorized_ip", ip) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } else { fmt.Println(resp) } }
Remove Authorized IP
Endpoint | /package_subscriptions/:id/remove_authorized_ip |
Method | PUT |
Necessary HTTP Headers | Content-Type: application/json |
Parameters | id – id of subscription |
Query parameters | None |
JSON parameters | ip – string – ip to remove |
curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -u api:08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d --data '{"ip": ""}'
from proxy_api import * api = ProxyAPI("","08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d") try: result = api.put("/package_subscriptions/1/remove_authorized_ip", body = {'ip': ''}) print(result) except ProxyAPIException as e: print(str(e))
<?php require "proxy_api.php"; $api = new ProxyAPI('', '08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d'); try { var_dump($api->put("/package_subscriptions/1/remove_authorized_ip", [ "ip" => "" ])); } catch(ProxyAPIException $e) { echo $e; }
const proxy_api = require('./proxy_api'); async function main() { const res = await proxy_api.put( '', '08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d', { "ip": "" } ); if (res instanceof Error) { console.log("Error:" + res.toString()); } else { console.log(res); } } main();
require_relative './proxy_api' begin api ="", "08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d") puts(api.put("/package_subscriptions/1/add_authorized_ip", ip: '').inspect) rescue ProxyAPIException => e puts e.message end
package main import ( "fmt" "net/http" ) func main() { api := NewProxyAPI("", "08c5fa8dd63c8adc4b08803df5f68f9d", &http.Client{}) ip := "{\"ip\": \"\"}" resp, _, err := api.Put("/package_subscriptions/1/remove_authorized_ip", ip) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } else { fmt.Println(resp) } }
Last Updated on February 22, 2023