Proxy-IPV4 API

How to Use Proxy-IPV4 API

Proxy-IPV4 API will allow you to integrate the purchase and renewal of a proxy into your service or application. The interaction of the partner with the system, as well as the system with the partner, occurs through “application / json” requests and responses. All communication takes place in UTF-8 encoding. The system implements protection against DOS attacks; no more than one request per second is allowed. If more than one request per second is sent, the response will be error_id=2, in which case we recommend sending the request again.

General requests

To get the balance information

iconThe request allows to see the current balance



Example body answer:

"user":"[email protected]",

Response params:

  • “success” – operation status –“true/false”,
  • “balance” – the current balance.

To get the full list of the bought proxies



Example body answer:

"user":"[email protected]",

Response params:

  • “ipv4” – the list of active ipv4 proxies,
  • “ipv6” – the list of active ipv6 proxies,
  • “mobile” – the list of active mobile proxies,
  • “id” – proxy ID. This parameter is needed for extending proxy,
  • “orderId” – order ID. Ipv6, unlike the rest of the proxy types, allows to extend all the proxies in the order only,
  • “country” – alfa3 country code,
  • “dateStart” – the rent start date,
  • “dateEnd” – the rent end date,
  • “authInfo” – the data for authorization,
  • “protocol” – protocol –“HTTPS/SOCKS5”,
  • “rotationTime” – rotation time of IP address in minutes. 0 is rotation by link at any moment,
  • “rebootLink” – link for IP reboot,
  • “mobileOperator” – mobile operator.

To get the available number of days for a proxy purchase/renewal

iconAn available number of days can differ depending on the proxy type



Reqwest parameters:

  • “proxyType” – type of proxy. Value can be of three types –“ipv4/ipv6/mobile”.

Example reqwest:


Example body answer:

"user":"[email protected]",

To get the list of the countries available for purchase

iconThe list of available countries can differ depending on the proxy type



Reqwest parameters:

  • “proxyType” – type of proxy. Value can be of three types –“ipv4/ipv6/mobile”.

Example reqwest:


Example body answer:

"user":"[email protected]",

Response params:

  • “name” – name of country,
  • “alpha3code” – alfa3 country code. Value of this field will be used for placing an order.

To get the list of the available goals for purchase



Example body answer:

"user":"[email protected]",
"cs go",

Response params:

  • “goals” – The list of available goals. This parameter is necessary for placing an order. If the list does not contain what you need, you can use the field ‘customGoal' when placing an order.

IPv4 requests

To get the ipv4 list of the bought proxies


Reqwest parameters:

  • “proxyType” – type of proxy –“ipv4”.

Example reqwest:


Example body answer:

"user":"[email protected]",

Response params:

  • “proxies” – the list of active ipv4 proxies,
  • “id” – proxy ID. This parameter is needed for extending proxy,
  • “country” – alfa3 country code,
  • “dateStart” – the rent start date,
  • “dateEnd” – the rent end date,
  • “authInfo” – the data for authorization.

Calculate purchase price



Reqwest parameters:

  • “proxyType” – type of proxy –“ipv4”,
  • “days” – the number of rental days (available values can be got by other request),
  • “goal” – goal of using proxy (available values can be got by other request),
  • “customGoal” – if the goal you need is not present in the goal list, you can indicate your own goal. Length of field must be 5 characters or more (one of the parameters – goal or customGoal – must be in the request),
  • “country” – alfa3 country code (available values can be got by other request),
  • “count” – the number of proxies.

Example reqwest:


Example body answer:

"user":"[email protected]",

Response params:

  • “amount” – total amount,
  • “price” – price for one proxy.

Calculate extending price



Reqwest parameters:

  • “proxyType” – type of proxy –“ipv4”,
  • “days” – the number of renewal days (the available values are the same as for the purchase),
  • “IpId” – proxy IDs that require renewal (it is allowed to indicate several IDs separated by commas).

Example reqwest:


Example body answer:

"user":"[email protected]",

Response params:

  • “amount” – total amount,
  • “price” – price for extending one proxy,
  • “ipId” – the list of proxy IDs for extending.

Placing an order


Reqwest parameters:

  • “proxyType” – type of proxy –“ipv4”,
  • “days” – the number of rental days (available values can be got by other request),
  • “goal” – goal of using proxy (available values can be got by other request),
  • “customGoal” – if the goal you need is not present in the goal list, you can indicate your own goal. Length of field must be 5 characters or more (one of the parameters – goal or customGoal – must be in the request),
  • “country” – alfa3 country code,
  • “count” – the number of proxies,
  • “authType” – authorization type –“login/ip”,
  • “authIp” – authorization IP address. This field is required only if authType = ip.

Example reqwest:


Example body reqwest:

Example body answer:
"user":"[email protected]",

Response params:

  • “orderNumber” – order number,
  • “balance” – the balance after the purchase.

Extending proxy



Reqwest parameters:

  • “proxyType” – type of proxy –“ipv4”,
  • “days” – the number of renewal days (the available values are the same as for the purchase),
  • “IpId” – the list of proxy IDs to be extended.

Example reqwest:


Example body reqwest:


Example body answer:

"user":"[email protected]",

Response params:

  • “balance” – the balance after extending.

IPv6 requests

To get the ipv4 list of the bought proxies



Reqwest parameters:

  • “proxyType” – type of proxy –“ipv6”.

Example reqwest:


Example body answer:

"user":"[email protected]",

Response params:

  • “proxies” – the list of active ipv4 proxies,
  • “orderId” – //too,
  • “id” – proxy ID,
  • “country” – alfa3 country code,
  • “dateStart” – the rent start date,
  • “dateEnd” – the rent end date,
  • “protocol” – protocol –“HTTPS/SOCKS5”,
  • “authInfo” – the data for authorization.

Calculate purchase price



Reqwest parameters:

  • “proxyType” – type of proxy –“ipv6”,
  • “days” – the number of rental days (available values can be got by other request),
  • “goal” – goal of using proxy (available values can be got by other request),
  • “customGoal” – if the goal you need is not present in the goal list, you can indicate your own goal. Length of field must be 5 characters or more (one of the parameters – goal or customGoal – must be in the request),
  • “country” – alfa3 country code (available values can be got by other request),
  • “count” – the number of proxy. The value must be more then 10.

Example reqwest:


Example body answer:

"user":"[email protected]",

Response params:

  • “amount” – total amount,
  • “price” – price for one proxy.

Calculate extending price



Reqwest parameters:

  • “proxyType” – type of proxy –“ipv6”,
  • “days” – the number of renewal days (the available values are the same as for the purchase),
  • “orderId” – order IDs that require renewal (it is allowed to indicate several IDs separated by commas).

Example reqwest:


Example body answer:

"user":"[email protected]",

Response params:

  • “amount” – total amount,
  • “price” – price for extending one proxy,
  • “ordersId” – the list of order IDs for extending,
  • “ipId” – the list of proxy IDs for extending.

Placing an order



Reqwest parameters:

  • “proxyType” – type of proxy –“ipv6”,
  • “days” – the number of rental days (available values can be got by other request),
  • “goal” – goal of using proxy (available values can be got by other request),
  • “customGoal” – if the goal you need is not present in the goal list, you can indicate your own goal. Length of field must be 5 characters or more (one of the parameters – goal or customGoal – must be in the request),
  • “country” – alfa3 country code,
  • “count” – the number of proxies. Value can be more then 10,
  • “authType” – authorization type –“login/ip”,
  • “authIp” – authorization IP address. This field is required only if authType = ip,
  • “protocol” – protocol –“HTTPS/SOCKS5”.

Example reqwest:


Example body reqwest:

Example body answer:
"user":"[email protected]",

Response params:

  • “orderNumber” – order number,
  • “balance” – the balance after the purchase.

Extending proxy



Reqwest parameters:

  • “proxyType” – type of proxy –“ipv6”,
  • “days” – the number of renewal days (the available values are the same as for the purchase),
  • “orderId” – the list of order IDs to be extended.

Example reqwest:


Example body reqwest:

Example body answer:
"user":"[email protected]",

Response params:

  • “balance” – the balance after extending.

Mobile requests

To get the list of available mobile tariffs


Example body answer:

"user":"[email protected]",
"name":"AT&T Wireless",

Response params:

  • “tariffs” – the list of tariffs,
  • “country” – alfa3 country code,
  • “mobileOperator” – the list of available operators for this country,
  • “rotationTime” – available rotation times of IP address in minutes. 0 is rotation by link at any moment.

the list of active mobile proxies



Reqwest parameters:

  • “proxyType” – type of proxy –“mobile”.

Example reqwest:


Example body answer:

"user":"[email protected]",

Response params:

  • “proxies” – the list of active proxies,
  • “id” – proxy ID. This parameter is needed for extending proxy,
  • “country” – alfa3 country code,
  • “dateStart” – the rent start date,
  • “dateEnd” – the rent end date,
  • “rotationTime” – the rotation time of IP address in minutes. 0 is rotation by link at any moment,
  • “rebootLink” – the link for rotation IP,
  • “authInfo” – the data for authorization.

Calculate purchase price



Reqwest parameters:

  • “proxyType” – type of proxy –“mobile”,
  • “days” – the number of rental days (available values can be got by other request),
  • “goal” – goal of using proxy (available values can be got by other request),
  • “customGoal” – if the goal you need is not present in the goal list, you can indicate your own goal. Length of field must be 5 characters or more (one of the parameters – goal or customGoal – must be in the request),
  • “country” – alfa3 country code (available values can be got by other request),
  • “count” – the number of proxies,
  • “mobileOperator” – the mobile operator (available values can be got by other request),
  • “rotationTime” – the rotation time of IP address in minutes (available values can be got by other request).

Example reqwest:


Example body answer:

"user":"[email protected]",

Response params:

  • “amount” – total amount,
  • “price” – price for one proxy.

Calculate extending price



Reqwest parameters:

  • “proxyType” – type of proxy –“mobile”,
  • “days” – the number of renewal days (the available values are the same as for the purchase),
  • “IpId” – proxy IDs that require renewal (it is allowed to indicate several IDs separated by commas).

Example reqwest:


Example body answer:

"user":"[email protected]",

Response params:

  • “amount” – total amount,
  • “price” – price for extending one proxy,
  • “ipId” – the list of proxy IDs for extending.

Placing an order



Reqwest parameters:

  • “proxyType” – type of proxy –“mobile”,
  • “days” – the number of rental days (available values can be got by other request),
  • “goal” – goal of using proxy (available values can be got by other request),
  • “customGoal” – if the goal you need is not present in the goal list, you can indicate your own goal. Length of field must be 5 characters or more (one of the parameters – goal or customGoal – must be in the request),
  • “country” – alfa3 country code,
  • “count” – the number of proxies,
  • “authType” – authorization type –“login/ip”,
  • “authIp” – authorization IP address. This field is required only if authType = ip,
  • “mobileOperator” – the mobile operator (available values can be got by other request),
  • “rotationTime” – the rotation time of IP address in minutes (available values can be got by other request).

Example reqwest:


Example body reqwest:

Example body answer:
"user":"[email protected]",

Response params:

  • “orderNumber” – order number,
  • “balance” – the balance after the purchase.

Extending proxy



Reqwest parameters:

  • “proxyType” – type of proxy –“mobile”,
  • “days” – the number of renewal days (the available values are the same as for the purchase),
  • “IpId” – the list of proxy IDs to be extended.

Example reqwest:


Example body reqwest:

Example body answer:
"user":"[email protected]",

Response params:

  • “balance” – the balance after extending.

Possible mistakes

iconIn case of failed query, you will get an error message

Error Example:

"error":"You are sending requests too often. No more than one per second is allowed"
  • “error_id” – error ID,
  • “error” – error message.

ID errors:

  • “1” – API disabled on the server,
  • “2” – You are sending requests too often. No more than one per second is allowed,
  • “3” – Error auth. Your IP doesn't have access,
  • “4” – Method not supported,
  • “5” – Incorrect proxy type,
  • “6” – Ipv4 proxies disabled on the server,
  • “7” – Ipv6 proxies disabled on the server,
  • “8” – Mobile proxies disabled on the server,
  • “9” – Incorrect field [days],
  • “10” – Incorrect field [country],
  • “11” – Incorrect field [goal],
  • “12” – Incorrect field [authType],
  • “13” – Incorrect field [protocol]. Field must be [HTTPS] or [SOCKS5],
  • “14” – Incorrect field [authIp],
  • “15” – Incorrect field [count],
  • “16” – Incorrect field [mobileOperator],
  • “17” – Incorrect field [rotationTime],
  • “18” – Incorrect field [IpId],
  • “19” – Incorrect field [orderId],
  • “20” – OrderId {orderId} don't have active IPs!,
  • “21” – ID {ip} not found!,
  • “22” – Request must contain [goal] or [customGoal],
  • “23” – Unknown error,
  • “24” – Insufficient balance,
  • “25” – Error key,
  • “26” – Length of field [customGoal] must be 5 characters or more.
Click here to get Proxy-IPV4 API

Last Updated on June 16, 2023

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