Have you ever been struck with the annoying proxy error pause while on your cramping routine? Please read our article and learn more about proxy errors, different proxy error codes, and solutions. Find out more as you read along.
Our guess is as correct as the reason why you are here. Typically, you might have encountered many proxy error codes while browsing and need to know the solutions. I am here to make things straight the next time you meet such annoying error codes.
However, there are different proxy error codes, meaning there is no universally held solution, as different error codes have their answer. These undesirable codes are not pleasant at all, even at first glance. Therefore, it becomes necessary to have this basic knowledge and how to resolve the issues.
In our article today, I will teach you different types of proxy errors, solutions, and other related tips; before that, we need to be on the same track. Thus, we will start by defining the proxy error in the next section.
What Is a Proxy Error?
In summary, a proxy error is simply the HTTP error response status. In most cases, these errors arise because your request to a target site using the proxy server is unsuccessful. And in this case, you will see the code which translates the problems you are experiencing.
If you have been careful, you have noted different error codes, which seem puzzling. However, for every code, you must at least know the solutions or develop the resolution to resolve and proceed with the task.
Generally, we all agree that there are 5 prominent and well-known HTTP status classes. These ranges form the response to the information purposes codes as well as the attention internet codes. Keep reading our article to know these classes and types in detail. Hence, there is a need to mention the classes of the proxy error. Then we will also highlight the solutions to these errors in the later section. Follow along.
The Classes of Proxy Error
As earlier stated, there are five categories of proxy error. And chances are that you might run into either of the categories. However, each type has unique classes of proxy errors as well. Therefore, for ease of understanding, we will go through every category.
1xx: Informational Response Error
It indicates that the target server got the request you sent but is still processing it. You will rarely find the error codes starting with 1 on your screen. If it does, you must understand that the error only requires your patience, as the server received the request and is still processing the result. In this case, you will see errors like:
- 100- continue error
- 101- this means switching protocols
- 102 is processing
- 103 is the early hint
2xx Successful Status
I mean that the server you sent a request has granted you access to the information. The error code starting with 2 is a positive status error, and websites show a well-functional status. Under this category, there are
- 200 successful submission errors
- 201 is an error
- 202 accepted error
- 203 a non-authoritative information error
- 204 no content error
- 205 reset content error
- 206 partial content error
3xx Redirection
This is also an obvious error, indicating that you must provide additional information on your request to complete it. Your submission must end with the 2xx error code in the real world, but it needs Redirection. The errors under this category include the following
- 300 multiple-choice errors
- 301 moved permanently error
- 302 found
- 303 see others
- 304 not modified
- 305 Us proxy
- 306 switch proxy
- 307 temporary redirect
- 308 permanent redirect
4xx: Client Error
This means the request you send contains a particular error, implying that it cannot execute it to grant you access. The problem comes from the side of the client. The classes under this category include:
- 400 Bad requests
- 401 unauthorized error
- 402 payment required
- 403 forbidden
- 404 Not found
- 405 Method not allowed
- 406 Not acceptable
- 407 proxy authorization required
- 408 request timeout
- 409 conflict
- 410 Gone
- 411 length required
- 412 preconditions failed
- 413 request entities are too large
- 414 request URL too long
- 415 unsupported media types
- 416 requested range not satisfiable
- 417 expectations failed
- 429, too many requests
5xx: Server Error
This error is due to the failure of the server while carrying out the anticipated valid request. One of the standard error classes under this category includes-
- 500 internal server errors
- 501 not implemented
- 502 Bad gateway
- 503 service unavailable
- 504 gateway timeout
- 505 HTTP version not supported
- 507 insufficient storage
- 510 not extended511 network authentication required
- 522 connect timeout
- 525 no exit found
How to Solve Proxy Error?
Each proxy error code has its distinct solution. However, in most cases, internet users try to rep[eat send the same request but using a different IP address, amending the proxy connection, as well as changing the network provider. Though there is no general solution to all the errors, I have split just a few hand-picked on each category as listed below:-
1. Informational Response Error – 1xx
As earlier stated, the 1xx errors imply provisional responses though they are rare. These are errors displayed when the server is still processing the request sent to it.
- 100- continue error; in most cases, the request is partly received and awaiting the final submission. When you see this error, then you must send the final submission. You can easily avoid the over-sending request when the error is rejected in the expected phase.
- 101- this means switching protocols. The error implies that your browser requests to switch your communication protocols where the server has granted the request.
- 102-WebDAV: Anytime you encounter such errors, remember that you have sent a request with numerous sub-request, which might take longer to process. Instead of assuming the request is invalid, give it time to process the complex request you sent.
- 103 is the early hint indicating the targeted server has taken a well-deserved break. You can use the browser for any other tasks before it processes the initial request.
Generally, the informational response error needs your patience, and there is no other information users are required to provide. It is simply a matter of time.
2. Successful Status Error – 2xx
- 200 successful submission errors. This is confirmation of success and means the website is well-functional. However, to a certain extent, the 200 might as well indicate a different error.
- 201 is an error. Based on the request, the server has fulfilled it and developed the new resource. For instance, opening a new tab containing a user's login credentials.
- 202 accepted error. It means your request is received by the server and still processing. Therefore, the answer here is yet to be known. While the submission is through, it does not guarantee you the results.
- 203 a non-authoritative information error. The request must have been received and accepted, but the results are not from the targeted server. There is a possibility that the response you will receive has been collected from third-party sources, which is only achieved by modifying the proxy.
- 204 no content error. While you send and process the request, the errors mean no content is available. You can unlock all the treasures by updating the request to the server.
- 205 reset content error—the targeted server requests you to reset your request or give data.
- 206 partial content error. When you request multiple fields from the server or have used various streams equally, the error means you have only received just part of the available contents.
3. Redirection Status Error – 3xx
This Is the next error code class on our list. The most common redirection status errors are:
- 300 multiple-choice errors. Here, you must note that the crawler and browser cannot select the right one. You can fix this error code by evaluating the HTTP headers to ensure your URL has a single location at the end to enable user agent access to the targeted site.
- 301 moved permanently error. This error is not an issue and if you are a scraper, consider following the new URL to access the requested resources. If the requests exceed 5, then use efficient browsers like firefox since chrome will indicate this error.
- 302 This concerns the 301 error. it indicates that other than the original URL, your request has been redirected to the new URL
- 303 see others. It implies that the target resource is found in a different It would be best if you used another URL with the option GET request to reach it.
- 304 not modified. It indicates that the message you are trying to send is not modified compared to the last request. The error is vital in reducing the loading time
- 305-use proxy is also a typical error, and the solution here is to get the premium proxy based on the requirements, then utilize then retry accessing the content.
- 306 switch proxy. This error code notifies you that you must use the specified proxy type while accessing the requested resources on the server.
- 307 temporary redirect. This error code is displayed when the resources are temporarily switched to a different URL. From this, the head will always indicate the location, and any future request will be redirected to the original URL. The simple solution is to follow the redirect link and make a new request.
- 308 permanent redirect. This is the opposite of 307. here, there is a permanent move of the targeted resources. All future requests will still be redirected to the latest URL.these two errors resemble 301 and 302. however, the HTTP method does not vary with the new URL.
4. Client Response Error – 4xx
In this section, I will only provide you with the solutions for the most common 4xx error as seen below:
- 400 – Bad Request. The first step to take when facing this error is to evaluate the request you sent only to ensure that it has all the needed data. Then, retry sending the request once you have fixed the error, like syntax.
- 401 – Unauthorized. There is no way out here; the solution to fix this error is to prove the authorization credentials.
- 402 payment required. This is an error code that is defined for future use. Though no standard convention exists and the error is rare, this error code aims to secure the digital payment method.
- 403-Forbidden. This error is rectified by not only changing the location of the IP address but also the port. I prefer using residential proxies
- 404 – Not Found. solve this error by double-checking your URL before retiring because it might contain hidden errors.
- 405 Method not allowed: this is an error where the server understood the request, but the site has been disabled for use.
- 406 Not acceptable. You receive this response when you send a request, but the server cannot access the content based on the request criteria upon the server-driven content negotiation process.
- 407 – Proxy Authentication Required. When a proxy needs authorization, it indicates this error code. But also, it means the request has failed to load. In most cases, this error comes on the screen when you have not authorized your scraper with proxy or IPs are whitelisted in the proxy setting.
- 408 – Request Timeout is another error you can face online. The solution often lies in changing the network connection and server load and resending the request.
- 409 – Conflict. Fix the error but check in the response body for the errors and provide the missing information before reloading the page.+
- 410 Gone. You'll obviously see this error code when the resources you request are unavailable through the target server. Also, the resource may not be available and does not understand the forwarding address. This is the same as 404, but it's permanent.
- 412 preconditions failed. Clients can use this code status while placing preconditions on the current resources meta-data and then stop such requests from accessing the data.
- 415 unsupported media types. When the entity of your request contacts the format not supported by the server, you are likely to see such an error code.
- 429 – Too Many Requests is fixed by utilizing the rotating proxies as long as you are careful about the rotation frequency.
5. Server Response Error – 5xx
Every server response error has its solution. Therefore, here are some of the choices we selected in this article.
- 500 internal server errors. This indicates the target server is not responding because of the internal bug. Therefore, you can send the request again later.
- 502-Bad gateway. To resolve this, you must evaluate the source of the issue and consider accessing the target server without proxies. If the problem persists, then give it time. However, change your proxy type and provider when a proxy server brings issues. Also, clear the cache as well as cookies. And the last resort is to change the DNS.
- 503 -service unavailable. Though temporary issues most of the time, try rotating your proxy or equally connecting later.
- 504-Gateway timeout. Confirm the server connection; if there is any issue, fix it, then proceed to retry sending the request again.
- 511 network authentication required. This implies that you have to authenticate the network so that it can receive the request
- 525 no exit found. This means the server cannot send you the response because of the unusual parameters indicated. Change them and try again after some time.
Tips to Use Proxy Servers
Besides the above solutions, which we have yet to cover all the errors from 1xx to 5xx, here are some other tips to help you resolve the issues.
- Reduce the number of requests to the server. When you send multiple requests simultaneously, the server treats it as suspicious. Therefore, ensure you have the best delay time or request frequency.
- Shift and start using residential proxies. While these proxies are somewhat costly, they are effective due to the large IP pool size. This will give you extensive options while rotating your IP addresses to evade blocking.
- Utilize an advanced tool. You won't evade the errors even if you share all the proposed solutions but use old and non-functional tools such as scrapers. Get the advanced tool and keep going like a pro.
- Rotating IP address or contacting the proxy provider. Proxy rotation is inevitable, especially when carrying out automation or data scraping. Again, when figuring out where to get the proxy code, you can contact the proxy provider for clarification and support in setting up the tools.
- Use a proxy manager. This is the best step to evading all the errors. This powerful tool is responsible for managing and automating the proxies while it overcomes all the errors. Some of the best proxy providers online are Bright Data and Oxylabs provide Proxy Manager App; Smartproxy has Proxy Extension
Proxy error codes are inevitable as long as you are an internet user. These are one of the annoying obstacles that can come your way. In this article, we have highlighted the five main categories of proxy errors. However, most of these errors are simple to resolve, as listed in the above article. Therefore, you must understand them and learn how to find a solution for each once your browser encounters one.
Last Updated on March 4, 2025